Aurora, Meteor, Zodiacal Light, Comet Images...
Colorful aurora with meteor from Pine Mountain Observatory
Aurora (blue spike) from Goldendale Observatory
Aurora (broad yellow red) from Pine Mountain Observatory
Perseid Meteor in northern Milky Way
Zodiacal Light in false color (cone shhref="zodiacal.jpg">Zodiacal Light in false color (cone shaped rising from lower left)
Comet Hyakutake with fish-eye lens, 2 minute exposure with Kodak Gold 1000 negative film, taken 3/25/96 (won 2nd place in the NW astro show, Portland, OR '96)
Comet West from the Coburg Hills north of Eugene, with the Three Sisters in the background, 35mm lens with Ektachrome film for 5 minutes, handguided platform
Deepsky Prime Focus Long Exposure Cold Camera Images (homebuilt dry air type cold cameras on 10" f/5 and 14" f/5 newtonians, Ektachrome and Tri-X film, typical exposure of 5 minutes, copied from 35mm to Kodak PhotoCD, 10" photos in the '70s, 14" photos in early
M42, 14"
M22, 14"
M35, 10"
Pleiades (reflections caused by the cold camera's optical window), 10"
Helix, 10"
Double Cluster Perseus,
Solar, Lunar Images...
Moon through 14", prime focus
Sunspots through 4"
Dobsonian (no tracking, stationary) Images (yes, dobsonian astrophotography can be done!)...
Venus at noon, 14"
Jupiter, 24" dob
Albireo double star, 24"
Gamma Andromeda double star (miniature Albireo), 24" dob
Partial lunar eclipse, 8"
1991 Baja, Mexico, Solar Eclipse Images...
sunset the night before the eclipse
outer corona
wide angle view of sky and horizon at mid-eclipse
wide angle view at mid-eclipse showing Venus and Mercury (barely visible between eclipsed Sun and Venus
sunset the night after the eclipse
1979 Biggs, Oregon, Solar Eclipse Images...
inner corona
mid-inner corona
mid-outer corona
outer corona